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The Empowered Parenting Programme

Set your child up for success and revolutionise your parenting potential

You will develop a clear understanding of what your child's emotional needs are and why they are needed.

We will explore how you were parented and how that translates to how you parent your child.

But most importantly, you will be able to parent from a confident and calm place as a result of developing the skills and understanding needed to enable your child to thrive.

Before I tell you about Empowered Parenting, let's look at who this is for.


If you are......

  • Concerned about whether you have the knowledge, patience and confidence you need to be the parent you want to be. 
  • Unsure how your actions affect your child's future decision-making and mental health and how to make the right decisions for your child.
  • Worried that you won't know how to manage your child's tantrums and emotions.
  • You may be looking at your own childhood and thinking, ' I want to do it differently, but I'm not sure how.'
  • Or you may want to know everything there is to know about your child's development to give them the best start in life, but you are struggling to find the guidance you need.

The fact that you are even reading this is precisely why you are already a great parent. That's not to say that we don't all have plenty to learn.

You care about your child's future so much that you want to learn as much as possible to ensure they thrive. Therefore, in my opinion, you are already amazing.

That, however, doesn't change the fact that the elusive manual to parenting is still hard to find until now.

You are 100% in the right place. 

Come and join me in my venture to improve our children's opportunities for the future, and start enjoying your parenting journey every day.

Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call

Before I tell you about Empowered Parenting, let's look at who this is for.


If you are......

Concerned about whether you have the knowledge, patience and confidence you need to be the parent you want to be. 

Unsure how your actions affect your child's future decision-making and mental health and how to make the right decisions for your child.

Worried that you won't know how to manage your child's tantrums and emotions.

You may be looking at your own childhood and thinking, ' I want to do it differently, but I'm not sure how.'

Or you may want to know everything there is to know about your child's development to give them the best start in life, but you are struggling to find the guidance you need.

The fact that you are even reading this is precisely why you are already a great parent. That's not to say that we don't all have plenty to learn.

You care about your child's future so much that you want to learn as much as possible to ensure they thrive. Therefore, in my opinion, you are already amazing.

That, however, doesn't change the fact that the elusive manual to parenting is still hard to find until now.

You are 100% in the right place. 

Come and join me in my venture to improve our children's opportunities for the future, and start enjoying your parenting journey every day.

Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call

The Empowered Parenting



  • 5 Modules

    Each module is released weekly, focussing on the principles of Empowered Parenting.
  • 15 lessons

    Pre-recorded videos, ranging from 20 to 60 mins (over 9hrs in total) for you to consume at your leisure to accompany each module.
  • PDFs and worksheets

    Individual workbooks for each lesson, both PDF fillable and printable, provide you with the space to explore your thoughts and experiences both as a parent and as a child.
  • Lifetime Access 

    Unlimited lifetime access to 'The Empowered Parenting Programme.'
  • Full Money Back Guarantee


    (Terms and Conditions Apply)

The Empowered Parenting Programme


5 Modules

Each module is released weekly, focussing on the principles of Empowered Parenting. 

15 lessons

Pre-recorded videos, ranging from 20 to 60 mins (over 9hrs in total) for you to consume at your leisure to accompany each module.

PDFs and worksheets

Individual workbooks for each lesson, both PDF fillable and printable, provide you with the space to explore your thoughts and experiences both as a parent and as a child.

Lifetime Access 

Unlimited lifetime access to 'The Empowered Parenting Programme.'

Full Money Back Guarantee

(Terms and Conditions apply)

By the end of this programme,

you will have an understanding of....


  • How our childhood influences how we parent our children. 

    We are heavily influenced by how we were parented. You will have the opportunity to explore and identify which strategies, beliefs and behaviours you were raised with, which you want to repeat with your children, and which ones you want to leave behind. You will also develop new approaches to support you in being the parent that you want to be. 


  • Emotions, what are they, and where do they come from?

    Understanding our own emotions is essential for understanding our children's emotions. This strategy's simplicity will help reduce overwhelm and powerlessness by assisting you to take control of your emotions and parent from a calm and confident space. 


  • An easy guide to understanding the three key elements of a child's emotional development.

    You will gain insight into a child's natural emotional development, how they connect to others and how we can influence healthy development. Exploring a child's foundations, how this impacts the brain and how to help them to build healthy relationships now and in the future.


  • Key strategies that will empower you and give you confidence in managing both your and your child's emotions in challenging times. 

    Explore the key strategies to managing your and your child's emotions effectively at times of challenge whilst remaining confident and calm. These strategies will serve throughout your parenting journey (even those pesky teenage years) and can improve your relationship with yourself and others.

By the end of this programme,

you will have an understanding of....


How our childhood influences how we parent our children. 

We are heavily influenced by how we were parented. You will have the opportunity to explore and identify which strategies, beliefs and behaviours you were raised with, which you want to repeat with your children, and which ones you want to leave behind. You will also develop new approaches to support you in being the parent that you want to be. 

Emotions, what are they, and where do they come from?

Understanding our own emotions is essential for understanding our children's emotions. This strategy's simplicity will help reduce overwhelm and powerlessness by assisting you to take control of your emotions and parent from a calm and confident space. 

An easy guide to understanding the three key elements of a child's emotional development.

You will gain insight into a child's natural emotional development, how they connect to others and how we can influence healthy development. Exploring a child's foundations, how this impacts the brain and how to help them to build healthy relationships now and in the future.

Key strategies that will empower you and give you confidence in managing both your and your child's emotions in challenging times. 

Explore the key strategies to managing your and your child's emotions effectively at times of challenge whilst remaining confident and calm. These strategies will serve throughout your parenting journey (even those pesky teenage years) and can improve your relationship with yourself and others.

Anonymous - Erewash, Derbyshire

This course has been a life changer. The best parenting course I have been on. It's delivered in a non-judgmental way and without blame. It looks at the root causes of why we parent in the way we do and how kids respond as a result. It teaches new ways to resolve current issues and helps you understand how and why they developed in the first place.

Nicki understands so much, which helps you to feel accepted and that you are doing the best you can, which is everything when opening up.

Amazing, thank you so much! Nicki, you're amazing.

What’s Inside

The Empowered Parenting Programme


Module 1: My Family


Lesson 1: My Family Tree
  • My family tree – Learning about our parents and grandparents.
  • The conscious and subconscious parenting patterns passed through the generations.
  • Can we create new patterns?
Lesson 2: It's all about you
  • Family rules (spoken and unspoken) and their power
  • Life messages
  • How to create healthy messages for ourselves and our children.

Lesson 3: It's all about them

  • Children and their home.
  • What Family rules and Life messages do I want for my child?
  • How to create and implement healthy family rules and life messages to help your child to thrive.

What’s Inside

The Empowered Parenting Programme


Module 1: My Family

Lesson 1: My Family Tree

My family tree – Learning about our parents and grandparents.

The conscious and subconscious parenting patterns passed through the generations.

Can we create new patterns?

Lesson 2: It's all about you

Family rules (spoken and unspoken) and their power

Life messages

How to create healthy messages for ourselves and our children.

Lesson 3: It's all about them

Children and their home.

What Family rules and Life messages do I want for my child?

How to create and implement healthy family rules and life messages to help your child to thrive.

Module 2: Emotions, what are they and what part do they play?  


Lesson 1: Emotions: what are they?

  • How to identify which emotion is which

  • Why they are important

  • Understanding the power of YOUR emotions

Lesson 2: Emotion regulation and Dysregulation

  • What are Emotion Regulation and Dysregulation?
  • This is a brain thing.
  • What is co-regulation?
  • What are (my) triggers?
  • Coping mechanisms

Lesson 3: Managing emotions

  • What happens when emotions hit?
  • How we React vs how we Respond
  • The Emotional Fuel Tank
  • Practical ways to manage our emotions.

Module 2: Emotions, what are they, and what part do they play?  


Lesson 1: Emotions: what are they?

How to identify which emotion is which

Why they are important

Understanding the power of YOUR emotions

Lesson 2: Emotion Regulation and Dysregulation

What are Emotion Regulation and Dysregulation?

This is a brain thing.

What is co-regulation?

What are (my) triggers?

Coping mechanisms

Lesson 3: Managing Emotions

What happens when emotions hit?

How we React vs how we Respond

The Emotional Fuel Tank

Practical ways to manage our emotions.

Module 3: What does a child need to thrive? 


Lesson 1: How to build a house 

  • What are a baby's foundational needs?
  • What are the key elements of creating a healthy foundation?
  • How to build healthy foundations.

Lesson 2: The Infant Brain.

  • What's happening in a child's head that we cannot see?
  • The role of genes and the environment.
  • The parts parents play.
  • Why the first 18 months are so crucial within brain development.

Lesson 3: Connection

  • Bonding and why it is important.
  • Helping your child with their emotions.
  • What to do if I think the foundations may already be wonky.


Module 3: What does a child need to thrive? 


Lesson 1: How to build a house 

What are a baby's foundational needs?

What are the key elements of creating a healthy foundation?

How to build healthy foundations.

Lesson 2: The Infant Brain.

What's happening in a child's head that we cannot see?

The role of genes and the environment.

The parts parents play.

Why the first 18 months are so crucial within brain development.

Lesson 3: Connection

Bonding and why it is important.

Helping your child with their emotions.

What to do if I think the foundations may already be wonky.


Module 4: Parenting Styles, Modelling and Communication


Lesson 1: Parenting styles

  • The five assumptions we often make about parenting.
  • What parenting styles are.
  • Which parenting styles were you raised with, and decipher your parenting style.
  • How to create a more 'balanced' parenting style.

Lesson 2: Love and Modelling

  • What is Love (conditional and unconditional)?
  • What is Modelling?
  • What was modelled to you as a child, and what will you be modelling to your child?

Lesson 3: Listening, Communication and Validation

  • Listening Vs Hearing
  • The complexities of communication and how to get it right.
  • What is validation, and why it is so important in childhood.

Module 4: Parenting Styles, Modelling and Communication

Lesson 1: Parenting styles

The five assumptions we often make about parenting.

What parenting styles are.

Which parenting styles were you raised with, and decipher your parenting style.

How to create a more 'balanced' parenting style.

Lesson 2: Love and Modelling

What is Love (conditional and unconditional)?

What is Modelling?

What was modelled to you as a child, and what will you be modelling to your child?

Lesson 3: Listening, Communication and Validation

Listening Vs Hearing

The complexities of communication and how to get it right.

What is validation, and why it is so important in childhood.

Module 5: Key strategies to support your parenting journey


Lesson 1: Praise and Punishment

  • Praise - Deciphering when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate.
  • What is punishment, and is it useful?
  • Accountability and Consequences.

Lesson 2: Boundaries, Consistency and Following through

  • What are boundaries, and why are they important?
  • The part that consistency plays in parenting.
  • The importance of following through.

Lesson 3: Respect and Repair and Co-Parenting

  • What is Respect?
  • How to build respect both ways.
  • How to repair after conflict.
  • Co-Parenting and its challenges.

Module 5: Key strategies to support your parenting journey


Lesson 1: Praise and Punishment

Praise - Deciphering when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate.

What is punishment, and is it useful?

Accountability and Consequences.

Lesson 2: Boundaries, Consistency and Following through

What are boundaries, and why are they important?

The part that consistency plays in parenting.

The importance of following through.

Lesson 3: Respect and Repair and Co-Parenting

What is Respect?

How to build respect both ways.

How to repair after conflict.

Co-parenting and its challenges.

Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call

When you enrol 

 you will grow in so many ways 


  • Understand your journey 

    You will explore your childhood and how this influences your parenting today, and you will be able to choose to do it your way.

  • Build confidence 

    You will gain confidence and understanding and build a solid foundation enabling your child to thrive now and in the future.

  • Path of self-discovery

    You will develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions. Therefore, you will be more able to manage your emotions in a way that is within your control. This will enable you to parent in a way that will help build trust and respect with your child.
  • Your child’s mental, psychological and emotional health is supported now and in the future. 

    We cannot dictate our child’s future or their decisions. However, how we navigate life is influenced by our childhood; therefore, giving them the tools now will help support their future decision-making and mental health.
  • Teenagers

    Your relationship with your teenager doesn’t HAVE to be fractious. YES, it’s a challenging time, and there will be fallouts; however, if a solid foundation is created in early childhood, this makes the teenage years far easier


    Create a happy, harmonious household.

When you enrol 

 you will grow in so many ways 


Understand your journey 

You will explore your childhood and how this influences your parenting today, and you will be able to choose to do it your way. 

Build Confidence.

You will gain confidence and understanding and build a solid foundation enabling your child to thrive now and in the future.

Path of self-discovery

You will develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions. Therefore, you will be more able to manage your emotions in a way that is within your control. This will enable you to parent in a way that will help build trust and respect with your child.

Your child’s mental, psychological and emotional health is supported now and in the future. 

We cannot dictate our child’s future or their decisions. However, how we navigate life is influenced by our childhood; therefore, giving them the tools now will help support their future decision-making and mental health.


Your relationship with your teenager doesn’t HAVE to be fractious. YES, it’s a challenging time, and there will be fallouts; however, if a solid foundation is created in early childhood, this makes the teenage years far easier


Create a happy, harmonious household.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

The Empowered Parenting Programme (self-guided) - £349 Value

  • 5 Modules 

    Focussing on the principles of ‘Empowered parenting.

  • 15 Lessons 

    Over 9 hours of pre-recorded videos for you to consume at your leisure to accompany each module.

  • PDFs and worksheets (Fillable and printable options) 

    To accompany each module and lesson where needed.

  • Full Money-back Guarantee (T's & C's Apply)
  • Lifetime Access (T's & C's Apply)


  • FREE initial 30-minute consultation to ensure  the course is right for you (£75 Value)

When you add it all up, that’s a value of


But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:




Upgrade to the VIP option, which includes all of the above


2 x 60min 1-1 sessions with Nicola Saunders

(to be completed within five weeks of enrolment)




Upgrade to VIP+ Option, which includes full access to the programme.


5 x 60min 1-1 sessions with Nicola Saunders 

(one session per module)


Payment plans available on all programme options

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

The Empowered Parenting Programme (self guided) - £349 Value

5 Modules - Focussing on the principles of ‘Empowered parenting.’

15 Lessons - Over 9 hours of pre-recorded videos for you to consume at your leisure to accompany each module.

PDFs and worksheets (Fillable and printable options) - To accompany each module and lesson where needed.

 Full Money-back Guarantee

Lifetime Access

(See T&C's)


FREE initial 30-minute consultation to ensure  the course is right for you (£75 Value)

When you add it all up, that’s a value of


But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:




Upgrade to the VIP option, which includes all of the above


2 x 60min 1-1 sessions with Nicola Saunders

(to be completed within five weeks of enrolment)




Upgrade to VIP+ Option, which includes full access to the programme.


5 x 60min 1-1 sessions with Nicola Saunders 

(one session per module)


Payment plans available on all programmes



Top Features

  • Five Modules
  • 15 Lessons (over 9 hours of recordings)
  • 15 Workbooks (Printable & Fillable)
  • Lifetimes Access
  • Full Money Back Guarantee


One Time Payment



Top features

  • Five Modules
  • 15 Lessons (over 9 hours of recordings)
  • 15 Workbooks 
  • Lifetimes Access
  • Full Money Back Guarantee
  • 2 x 60min 1-1 Sessions with Nicola Saunders
One Time Payment



Top features

  • Five Modules
  • 15 Lessons (over 9 hours of recordings)
  • 15 Workbooks
  • Lifetimes Access
  • Full Money Back Guarantee
  • 5 x 60min 1-1 sessions with Nicola Saunders
One Time Payment
Basic | 3 x £125 Monthly Payment Plan
VIP | 3 x £178 Monthly Payment Plan
VIP+ | 3 x £258 Monthly Payment Plan
Sammie - Erewash, Derbyshire

I have learnt a lot on this course about myself, my family and how to support my son. It has been a lovely group of people.

I thoroughly recommend this course.


Anonymous -  Erewash, Derbyshire

This course is priceless!

Wherever you managed to find this lovely lady, she is like gold. I'm so grateful to be on this course.It's been amazing.Thank you.

Plus, you will be backed by a Risk-Free 14-day money-back Guarantee.

The Empowered Parenting programme has been created due to working with hundreds of clients over 1000's hours over 20+ years as a therapist. If I have learnt anything in that time, it's that parenting is at the heart of how we cope and manage our responses to life's challenges.

That said, I didn't create the theories encapsulated in this course, but the experience is all mine, and I wanted to bring it to you in a simple way that can be understood with little psychobabble.

If, however, after 60 days, you feel the course is no longer for you, I am happy to provide you with a full refund (Terms and Conditions Apply).

All I would ask is that you complete the feedback form (which I will email you upon your request) to help me make any needed adjustments—your opinion matters.


nicola@nicolasaunderstherapy .com

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for 'The Empowered Parenting programme'

Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call

Enrol in

The Empowered parenting programme




Top features

  • Five Modules
  • 15 Lessons (over 9 hours of recordings)
  • 15 Workbooks (Printable & Fillable)
  • Lifetimes Access
  • Full Money Back Guarantee

Terms and Conditions Apply


One Time Payment



Top features

  • Five Modules
  • 15 Lessons (over 9 hours of recordings)
  • 15 Workbooks 
  • Lifetimes Access
  • Full Money Back Guarantee
  • 2 x 60min 1-1 Sessions with Nicola Saunders

Terms and Conditions Apply

One Time Payment



Top features

  • Five Modules
  • 15 Lessons (over 9 hours of recordings)
  • 15 Workbooks
  • Lifetimes Access
  • Full Money Back Guarantee
  • 5 x 60min 1-1 sessions with Nicola Saunders

Terms and Conditions Apply

One Time Payment
Basic | 3 x £125 Monthly Payment Plan
VIP | 3 x £178 Monthly Payment Plan
VIP+ | 3 x £258 Monthly Payment Plan

Still thinking about it?

The Empowered Parenting programme is PERFECT for you if… 

  • You are ready to get to the heart of what your child needs and put the work in to make the changes that enable you to parent from an informed place.
  • With so much information out there, you are struggling to know the rights and wrongs of parenting, and you want to explore the part you play in your child's development. 
  • You are ready to implement simple but effective strategies to help you feel calm and confident on your parenting journey.
  • You are already investing everything you have into your child. However, you recognise that this is the biggest challenge you may ever have in life, so some support to help you to tweak and adapt what you are already doing to create a winning foundation for your child's future would be a welcome addition.
  • At times you may feel a little out of your depth and want to feel confident and assured that you've got this.
  • You are excited to build a solid relationship with your child based on trust and respect and to watch your relationship flourish with them throughout the years as a result.
  • You are ready to dive deeper to get to the root of your parenting style and achieve the desired results.
  • Finally, you want to look back and KNOW you worked hard to be the best parent you can be.

You are ready to get to the heart of what your child needs and put the work in to make the changes that enable you to parent from an informed place.

With so much information out there, you are struggling to know the rights and wrongs of parenting, and you want to explore the part you play in your child's development. 

You are ready to implement simple but effective strategies to help you feel calm and confident on your parenting journey.

You are already investing everything you have into your child. However, you recognise that this is the biggest challenge you may ever have in life, so some support to help you to tweak and adapt what you are already doing to create a winning foundation for your child's future would be a welcome addition.

At times you may feel a little out of your depth and want to feel confident and assured that you've got this.

You are excited to build a solid relationship with your child based on trust and respect and to watch your relationship flourish with them throughout the years as a result.

You are ready to dive deeper to get to the root of your parenting style and achieve the desired results.

Finally, you want to look back and KNOW you worked hard to be the best parent you can be.

Amanda - Erewash, Derbyshire

Being on this course has helped me to understand that being the parent I want to be, comes from understanding myself more and reminding myself that I won't get everything right all of the time.I am determined to keep trying my best.

Anonymous - Erewash, Derbyshire

I have learned some great insights into how to be a better parent. I also understand emotions better and different parenting styles.

I have taken a lot from the group and feel more confident in myself and as a parent.

I can't wait for you to join The Empowered Parenting programme.


After over 20 years of being a therapist, it has become clear that a person's childhood inevitably features in their therapeutic journey somewhere, whether their childhood was good, bad or indifferent.

Helping people navigate their histories and, in many cases, heal has been an absolute privilege; however, I want to do MORE.

I want to help parents give their children the best start possible, not just with information passed down the generations but from their own exploration and decision-making.

The parent-child relationship is more important than ever. I can't wait to support you in parenting from a calm and confident space and developing a relationship with your child that can remain strong throughout your lives.

I have decided to encapsulate all of my knowledge and experience and bring it to you in the shape of "The Empowered Parenting Programme".

Remember there is a Full Money Back Guarantee, and if after your FREE initial consultation or within 60 days you decide it's not for you, I will provide you with a full refund. 

Hopefully, I have covered all bases, and you are ready to come and join me.

I can't wait to meet you.

I will speak to you soon.

Nicki x

Enrol in

The Empowered Parenting Programme




Let me in


 VIP Access


Let me in


 VIP+ Access


Let me in

A little note from me to you:


If you've got this far on this page, I'm so pleased you're here and considering embarking on this journey. I genuinely believe you have so much to gain and nothing to lose by taking this leap of faith.

I want to be completely upfront and clear about the course content and process.

Throughout the course, some areas require a deeper exploration and reflection on how you were parented and how this may have affected your life.

You need to know that this programme is here without judgment, and this is not about blame and retribution. It is simply about understanding.

If you're unsure but are keen to find out more, drop me a message, and we can schedule a 'course call' to ensure that you are in the right place.

If you have any questions or concerns, I will iron them out on this call.

We've got this.

Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call

"Working with Nicki has helped me to understand my parenting journey and see my children through their eyes. I am now a calmer, more patient and confident mum, which I will be eternally grateful for". 
